Friday, January 24, 2014

Little Road Trip

Last weekend we loaded up the whole family (dog included) and set out for a day of adventure to no where in particular. Actually we did go under the river (via tunnel) and through the woods to Williamsburg. My husband wanted to show us a fishing spot on the James River. We found a great camp ground that we have vowed to re-visit this summer. We also happened across several plantations when we got off the beaten path. One of them was the home of former president John Tyler. Yeah, we didn't really remember him either but apparently he was our 10th president. It was a worthwhile day out. Here are some highlights.

Let's start with LUCY! She's like "hurry up, I'm trying to explore".

 Too bad there wasn't someone there to take a family picture for us. Would've been a good one.

A hollow tree in a hundred acre wood.

 This was a pet cemetery at John Tyler plantation. Many of the dogs had the same name.

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